Individual performance metric - an quantitative approach

The purpose of this document is to define an quantitative metric for measuring students' performance in senior design project.

  1. In each milestone, a student will be assigned with tasks. Each task will have points associated with it. An average task will have 2 points, i.e., one task for duration of two weeks. A single task may have less point or more points based on the required work for the task. The points will be given to a task at the time of assignment;
  2. The points associated with a task is fixed, that is, it will not increase if a student cannot complete a task within the required time framework. If a delay task with an extension will still have the same points as the original assigned task;
  3. A task is considered complete, if the progress of the task is "85%" or more;
  4. The student's individual performance is computed as: $\frac{\Sigma_{t\in T}(pt(t)\cdot pg(t))}{PT_{max}}$, where $T$ is the set of tasks assigned to the student, $pt(t)$ is the points assigned to a task $t$, $pg(t)$ is the progress of $t$, and $PT_{max}$ is the maximal points accumulated by any student in the same project group. $\Sigma_{t\in T}(pt(t)\cdot pg(t))$ is the weighted total points for the student.


Consider a 4-week project with 3 students.

Student Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
John t1 (30%*), t2 (40%) t1 (85%), t2 (90%) t3 (20%), t4 (40%) t3 (90%), t4 (90%)
Joe t5 (20%), t6 (40%) t5 (30%), t6 (90%) t5 (50%), t7 (40%) t5 (85%), t7 (85%)
Al t8 (10%), t9 (15%) t8 (20%), t9 (30%) t8 (35%), t9 (40%) t8 (60%), t9 (50%)

* The percentage indicates the progress of a task

The points assigned to tasks:

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Performance metric:

Student Total Pts Weighted total Pts Performance (Full pts: 100)
John 8 7.1 88.75
Joe 6 5.2 65
Al 4 2.2 27.5