
Conference Presentations and invited talks

    1. "PlayGame: a platform for diagnostic games ". the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV'04), Boston, MA, 2004. Slides. [ppt].
    2. "Specification-based Testing with Linear Temporal Logic", IEEE Internation Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'04), Las Vegas, NV, 2004, Slides. [ppt]
    3. "Model-based Testing and Monitoring for Hybrid Embedded Systems", IEEE Internation Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'04), Las Vegas, NV, 2004. Slides. [ppt].
    4. "Model-based testing and monitoring". National Institute of Areospace/NASA Langley Research Center. September, 2003. Slides. [ppt].
    5. "Testing and monitoring model-based generated program". The third internal workshop on runtime verification (RV'03). Boulder, Colorado, July, 2003. Slides. [ppt]
    6. "Model-based Test Generation". The second annual workshop on hybrid systems. Allenberry, PA. Slides [ppt]
    7. "Evidence-based Verification"
      1. In Specification and Verification Center, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2002 [ppt]
      2. In IBM T. J. Watson research, Augest, 2002. [ppt]
      3. In NASA Ames research center, June, 2002. [ppt]
      4. In University of Pennsylvania, April, 2002. [ppt]
      5. In disseration defense. Stony Brook, May, 2002. [ppt]
    8. "Evidence-based Model Checking". International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'02). Slides.[ppt]
    9. "An abstract schema for equivalence checking games". International Workshop on Verification, Model checking, and abstract interpretation (VMCAI'02), Venice, Italy. Janunary, 2002. Slides [ps].

Lecture Notes

    1. "The Concurrency Workbench". Lecture note in CSE 635, SUNY stony brook, Spring, 2000. Slides [ps]
    2. "Witness and Counterexample". Lecture note in CIS 640. University of Pennsylvania. October, 2002. Slides [ppt]