
(Click here for patents)

  1. [THZ16] Li Tan, Hongfei Hou and Qin Zhang: "An Extensible Software Platform for Cloud-based Decision Support and Automation in Precision Agriculture". Proceedings of IEEE 17th international conference in Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'16). Pittsburgh, PA, 2016.

  2. [Tan16] Li Tan: "Cloud-based Decision Support and Automation for Precision Agriculture in Orchards". Proceedings of 5th IFAC conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agriculture (AgriControl'16). Seattle, WA. 2016.

  3. [ZT16] Bolong Zeng and Li Tan: "Test Reactive Systems with Buchi-Automaton-Based Temporal Requirements". To appear in Advances in Intelligent and Software Computing. Springer. 2016.

  4. [ATHW16] Yiannis Ampatzidis, Li Tan, Ronald Haley, and Matthew Whiting: "Cloud-based harvest management information system for hand-harvested specialty crops". Pages 161-167, Volume 122, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. Elsevier

  5. [ZT15] Bolong Zeng and Li Tan: "Test reactive systems with Büchi automata: acceptance condition coverage criteria and performance evaluation". Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI'15), San Francisco, CA. August, 2015.

  6. [TRW15] Li Tan, Ronald Haley, and Riley Wortman: "Cloud-Based Harvest Management System for Specialty Crops". Proceedings of IEEE 4th Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications (IEEE NCCA'15), Munich, Germany. June, 2015.

  7. [BL15] Bolong Zeng and Li Tan: "Testing with Buchi Automata: Transition coverage metrics, performance analysis, and property refinement". In Press. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer. 2015

  8. [STZZ14] Yongni Shao, Li Tan, Bolong Zeng, and Qin Zhang: "Canopy pruning grade classification based on fast Fourier transform and artificial neural network". Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). Volume 57(3). 2014.

  9. [TW14] Li Tan and Riley Wortman: "Cloud-based monitoring and analysis of yield efficiency in precision farming". Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI'14). IEEE Press. San Francisco, CA. August, 2014.

  10. [TZ14] Li Tan and Bolong Zeng: "Specification-Based Testing with Buchi Automata: Transition Coverage Criteria and Property Refinement". Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI'14). IEEE Press. San Francisco, CA. August, 2014.

  11. [TP+13] Li Tan, Suma Ponnam, Patrick Gillham, Bob Edwards, and Erik Johnson: "Analyzing the impact of social media on social movement: a computational study on Twitter and Occupy Wall Street movement". In IEEE/ACM ASONAM'13. IEEE Press. Niagra Falls, Canada. August, 2013.

  12. [TH+13] Li Tan, Ronald Haley, Riley Wortman, Yiannis Ampatzidis, and Matthew Whiting: "An Integrated Cloud-Based Platform for Labor Monitoring and Data Analysis in Precision Agriculture". Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI'13). IEEE Press. San Francisco, CA. August, 2013.

  13. [ZT13] Bolong Zeng and Li Tan: "A Unified Framework for Evaluating Test Criteria. in Model-Checking-Assisted Test Case Generation". Information Systems Frontiers. Springer. April, 2013.

  14. [AT+13] Yiannis Ampatzidis, Li Tan, Ronald Haley, Riley Wortman, and Matthew Whiting: "Harvest management information system for specialty crops". In the proceedings of annual meeting of ASABE, 2013.

  15. [TXME12] Li Tan, Shenghan Xu, Benjamin Meyer, and Brock Erwin: "An Extensible Object-Oriented and Agent-Based Framework for Modeling and Simulating Supply Chains." in International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences. Vol. 4, Nos 2/3, pp. 251-267. InderScience. 2012.

  16. [ZT12] Bolong Zeng and Li Tan: "Test Criteria for Model-Checking-Assisted Test Vector Generation: A Computational Study". In the Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI'12). IEEE Press. Las Vegas, NV. August, 2012.

  17. [THWZ12] Li Tan, Ronald Haley, Riley Wortman, and Qin Zhang: "An Extensible and Integrated Software Architecture for Data Analysis and Visualization in Precision Agriculture". In the Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI'12). IEEE Press. Las Vegas, NV. August, 2012.

  18. [Kangas+12] Lars J. Kangas, Thomas O. Metz, Giorgis Isaac, Brian T. Schrom, Bojana Ginovska-Pangovska, Luning Wang, Li Tan, Robert R. Lewis and John H. Miller: "In Silico Identification Software (ISIS): A Machine Learning Approach to Tandem Mass Spectral Identification of Lipids ". In Bioinformatics. Oxford Press. 2012.

  19. [BZWDTY12] Shyretha Brown, Xianyi Zhang, Hongfei Wang, Ziyu Dai, Li Tan, and Bin Yang: "Dynamic Characterization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose via a Broadband Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy". In Proceedings of the 34th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. New Orleans, LA. May, 2012.

  20. [TanXu12] Li Tan and Shenghan Xu: "An algorithmic analysis of impact of order Splitting on safety stock". In Proceedings of the 2012 annual meeting of annual meeting of Production and Operation Management Society. Chicago, IL. April, 2012.

  21. [Tan11] Li Tan: "State Coverage Metrics for Specification-Based Testing with Buchi Automata". In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Tests and Proofs. Zurich, Switzerland. In the Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag. June 30-July 01, 2011.

  22. [TanKrings11] Li Tan and Axel Krings: "An Adaptive N-variant Software Architecture for Multi-Core Platforms: Models and Performance Analysis". In Proceedings of the The 11th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Santander, Spain. In the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. June 20-23, 2011.

  23. [TanXu11] Li Tan and Shenghan Xu: "An Automated Verification Based Approach for Analyzing Safety Stock in Probabilistic Supply Chains". In Proceedings of the 2011 annual meeting of Production and Operation Management Society. Reno, NV. April, 2011.

  24. [YDFKT10] Linmin Yang, Zhe Dang, Thomas R. Fischer, Min Sik Kim and Li Tan: "Entropy and Software Systems: Towards an Information-Theoretic Foundation of Software Testing". In Proceedings of the ACM Sigsoft FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research (FSE-FoSER'10). ACM press. Santa Fe, New Mexico. November, 2010.

  25. [TanKrings10] Li Tan and Axel Kring: "A Hierarchical Formal Framework for Adaptive N-variant Programs in Multi-core Systems". In Proceedings of The 9th International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ICDCS-ASDN'10). IEEE press. Genoa, Italy. June, 2010.

  26. [TanXu10] Li Tan and Shenghan Xu: "A Formal Stochastic Analysis Approach for Order Splitting Policy". In Proceedings of the 2010 annual meeting of Production and Operation Management Society. Vancouver, Canada. May, 2010.

  27. [TanXu09b] Li Tan and Shenghan Xu: "Modeling and Analysis of the Impact of Demand Seasonality on Post-merger Synergy". In Proceedings of INFORMS annual conference (INFORMS'09). San Diego, CA. October, 2009.

  28. [TXME09] Li Tan, Shenghan Xu, Benjamin Meyer, and Brock Erwin: "An Agent-Based Formal Framework for Modeling and Simulating Supply Chains". In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'09). Las Vegas, NV. August, 2009.

  29. [KTJR09] Axel Krings, Li Tan, Clint Jeffrey, and Robert Rink: "Resilient Multi-core Systems: A Hierarchical Formal Model for N-variant Executions". In Proceedings of ACM Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW'09), Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN, April 13-15, 2009.

  30. [TanXu09] Li Tan and Shenghan Xu: "A Model-Checking-Based Approach to Risk Analysis in Supply Chain Consolidations". Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 16(3):243-257. August, 2009.

  31. [XuTan08] Shenghan Xu and Li Tan: "Formal Analysis of Risks in Stochastic Supply Chains". In the proceedings of INFORMS annual conference (INFORMS'08). Washington, DC, 2008.

  32. [TanXu08] Li Tan and Shenghan Xu: "Model Check Stochastic Supply Chains". In the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'08). Las Vegas, NV, 2008.

  33. [Tan06] Li Tan: "Model-based Self-Adaptive Embedded Systems with Temporal Logic Specifications". In the proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'06). Beijing, China., October 27-28, 2006.

  34. [XuTan05] Shenghan Xu and Li Tan: "Planning Optimization as Program Verification". In the proceedings of the 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS'05), IFORS society press. Hawaii, July 11-15, 2005. A longer version is under review for International Transactions in Operational Research.

  35. [Tan05] Li Tan: "Model-based Self-monitoring Embedded Systems with Temporal Logic Specifications". In the proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'05). Long Beach, CA., November 7-11, 2005.

  36. [Tan04] Li Tan. "PlayGame: A Platform for Diagnostic Games". In the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV'04), Boston, MA, Volume 3114 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

  37. [TSL04] Li Tan, Oleg Sokolsky, and Insup Lee. " Specification-based Testing with Linear Temporal Logic", In the proceedings of IEEE Internation Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'04), IEEE society, 2004.

  38. [TKLS04] Li Tan, Jesung Kim, Insup Lee, and Oleg Sokolsky. "Model-based Testing and Monitoring for Hybrid Embedded Systems", In the proceedings of IEEE Internation Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'04), IEEE society, 2004.

  39. [TKL03] Li Tan, Jesung Kim, and Insup Lee. "Testing and Monitoring Model-based Generated Program". In the third international workshop on Runtime Verification (RV'03). July, 2003. Extended version published In Electronic Notes in Theoretic Computer Science, Vol. 89, No. 2. Elsevier Science. 2003.

  40. [TSL03] Li Tan, Oleg Sokolsky, and Insup Lee. "Property-Coverage Testing". Technical report MS-CIS-03-02. Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. January, 2003.

  41. [TanCle02] Li Tan and Rance Cleaveland. "Evidence-Based Model Checking". In the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'02), Copenhagen, Denmark. July, 27-31, 2002. Volume 2404 of Lecture Notes of Computer Science. Springer-Verlag.

  42. [Tan02b] Li Tan. "Evidence-Based Verification". Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Computer Science. State University of New York, May, 2002.

  43. [Tan02a] Li Tan. "An Abstract Schema for Equivalence Games". Third International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI'02). Venice, Italy. January, 2002. Volume 2294 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag.

  44. [TanCle01] Li Tan and Rance Cleaveland, "Simulation Revisited". In the 7th international conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'01). Genova, Italy. April, 2001. Volume 2031 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag.

  45. [CTS00] Rance Cleaveland, Li Tan, and Steve Sims. "Concurrent Workbench of the New Century: User Manual". Copyrighted by State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2000.

  46. [TXL96] Li Tan, Gongquan Xu, and Rongshen Luo. "N-dimension scheduling algorithms". The Chinese Journal of Computers. Volume 23. Page 105-110.1996.