RMS: an online receipt management system

Team Assignment:


General Requirements:

The purpose of this assignment is to get you familiar with Java EE and other web technologies including HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

You will create a web application in Java EE. The application will enable a user to manage scanned store receipts (in PDF)  online with the following functions:

  1. Upload scanned receipts;
  2. Attach with each receipt the information including total charge, store name, receipt time.
    1. Manually enter the information with a receipt;
    2. Automatically extract the information using ABBYY, a cloud-based OCR SDK;
      1. User writes the specification for text fields in xml, or;
      2. User can draw regions for text fields, and RMS will automatically generate XML specification (Bonus);
  3. User can organize the receipts by time and by store.
  4. User can view the receipt online and download it.


You and your team are responsible for testing your application. Below are some sample receipts. Note: the receipts the instructor will use to validate your application are beyond these samples.

Receipt I 


Your team will submit 3 artifacts:

  1. Axure file for UI design;
  2. UML Activity diagram specifying the user''s workflow of using the website. The Activity diagram is developed in Rational RSA;
  3. The RSM web app, including the deployment instruction to Java EE glassfish server.

All the code and document shall be submitted to the respository located at svn+ssh://elec.tricity.wsu.edu/home/svn/cpts421/$YOUR_TEAM_ID.

Evaluation Metrics:

The project will be evaluted on the quality of artifacts, including functions and designs.


  • [30pt] Requirements 1, 2.A, 3, 4
  • [20pt] Requirement 2.B.i


  • [20pt] UML activity diagram
  • [30pt] Axure file for UI design


  • [20pt] Requirement 2.B.ii. Your UI design in Axure shall also reflect this feature.

Delivery Schedule

At each scheduled delivery date, each team will present their project artifacts.

  1. [9/6]: Axure UI design and UML activity diagram
  2. [9/13]: Web application with requirements 1, 2.A, 3, 4
  3. [9/20]: Final project presentation: web application with requirement 2.B.i.; and bonus feature if you choose to implement it.