A Unified Framework for Evaluating Test Criteria in Model-Checking-Assisted Test Case Generation

Bolong Zeng and Li Tan. Information Systems Frontiers. Springer. April, 2013.

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Testing is often cited as one of the most costly operations in testing dependable systems (Heimdahl et al. 2001). A particular challenging task in testing is test-case generation. To improve the efficiency of test-case generation and reduce its cost, recently automated formal verification techniques such as model checking are extended to automate test-case generation processes. In model-checking-assisted test-case generation, a test criterion is formulated as temporal logical formulae, which are used by a model checker to generate test cases satisfying the test criterion. Traditional test criteria such as branch coverage criterion and newer temporal-logic-inspired criteria such as property coverage criteria (Tan et al. 2004) are used with model-checking-assisted test generation. Two key questions in model-checking-assisted test generation are how efficiently a model checker may generate test suites for these criteria and how effective these test suites are. To answer these questions, we developed a unified framework for evaluating (1) the effectiveness of the test criteria used with model-checking-assisted test-case generation and (2) the efficiency of test-case generation for these criteria. The benefits of this work are three-fold: first, the computational study carried out in this work provides some measurements of the effectiveness and efficiency of various test criteria used with model-checking-assisted test case generation. These performance measurements are important factors to consider when a practitioner selects appropriate test criteria for an application of model-checking-assisted test generation. Second, we propose a unified test generation framework based on generalized Büchi automata. The framework uses the same model checker, in this case, SPIN model checker (Holzmann 1997), to generate test cases for different criteria and compare them on a consistent basis. Last but not least, we describe in great details the methodology and automated test generation environment that we developed on the basis of our unified framework. Such details would be of interest to researchers and practitioners who want to use and extend this unified framework and its accompanying tools.