Test reactive systems with Buchi automata: acceptance condition coverage criteria and performance evaluation

Bolong and Li Tan. The 16th IEEE conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI'15). San Francisco, CA. 2015

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Büchi automata have been used to specify and reason linear temporal requirements of reactive systems. A reactive system interacts with its environment constantly, and its executions may be modeled as infinite words. A key question in testing a reactive system is how to make testing relevant to the system’s requirement, that is, to focus testing on the required behaviors in terms of infinite words. We propose a specification-based testing technique that tests a reactive system with respect to its requirement in Büchi automaton. At the core of our approach is a metric measuring how well a test suite covers the acceptance condition of a Büchi automaton. Acceptance condition is a key element of Büchi automaton defining infinite words.We propose weak and strong variants of coverage metrics and their related test criteria for applications requiring tests of different strengths. We propose a model-checking-assisted algorithm to automate test-case generation for proposed criteria. In addition to debugging a system, our proposed approach may be used for revealing problems with system requirements. We propose an algorithm for refining a requirement encoded in Büchi automaton. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the proposed test criteria using cross-coverage comparison. The result indicates that our approach improves the effectiveness of testing with more efficient test cases targeted for system requirements.